Le test de IE 8 à commence sur Connect !

Certaines personnes ont recu une invi­ta­tion pour commen­cer à tester la version Beta de Inter­net Explo­rer 8.

Le programme n’est pas encore dispo­nible sur connect pour tous le monde et les inscrip­tions ne sont pas encore possible.

Voici le mail que certaines personnes ont recu (les liens ne marchent plus)

Gree­tings from the Inter­net Explo­rer Team!
We are nearing the launch of Windows Inter­net Explo­rer 8 Beta 1 and we will be making it avai­lable for the gene­ral public to down­load and test. IE8 Beta 1 is focu­sed on the deve­lo­per commu­nity, with the goal of gaining valuable feed­back to improve Inter­net Explo­rer 8 during the deve­lop­ment process.
We have iden­ti­fied you as a quali­fied beta tester and we would like to offer an oppor­tu­nity to join our limi­ted tech­ni­cal beta program for Windows Inter­net Explo­rer 8 Beta 1.
Parti­ci­pa­tion in the Tech­ni­cal Beta will enable you to evaluate a common release of Windows Inter­net Explo­rer 8, the ability to submit feed­back, post bug reports, down­load soft­ware answer surveys on product quality as well as vote on top bugs filed by others from the tech­ni­cal beta program. This is a very exclu­sive program, by invi­ta­tion only. The only way to submit feed­back is to enroll in the Windows Inter­net Explo­rer 8 Tech­ni­cal Beta program. As such, we would be happy to have your parti­ci­pa­tion.
To accept this invi­ta­tion and to apply to become a member of this program, follow this link:
(If this link does not work for you, copy the full link and paste it into the Web brow­ser address bar.)
Follow the steps shown to you by that program to apply to become an active parti­ci­pant. You may be asked to take a survey, or submit other preli­mi­nary infor­ma­tion. To report a problem or to ask a ques­tion, visit the Contact Us page (found at the bottom of every page).
We hope to see you in the tech­ni­cal beta!
Best regards.
The Inter­net Explo­rer Team

Il ne nous reste plus qu’a attendre un peu pour pouvoir tenter notre chance sur Connect et peut être pouvoir accès à cette version beta !

Il est indique sur le blog de la Team Inter­net Explo­rer qu’une première version beta sera dispo­nible dans cette première moitie de 2008 donc avant cet été.

Mots clés Tech­no­rati : inter­net Explo­rer 8,beta,connect